Penis size for men is no less important than breast size for women. And most representatives of both sexes are not satisfied with their size. Men who believe their penis is not big enough suffer from serious psychological complications. Dissatisfaction with your body increases, leading to loss of confidence in your abilities and decreased self-esteem. There are simple and affordable ways to enlarge your penis at home.
Normal penis size
Increasing the size of a man's penis is possible only if it really does not correspond to the average. For Europeans, the standard size is considered to be the length of the penis from 10 to 16 cm in an erect state.
The thickness in a calm state is about 3-4 cm.If, when measuring his penis, a man finds that the size corresponds to the standard, then there is no point in enlarging his penis.
How much can be increased and is it necessary to do so?
If your penis size is within normal limits, you should not try to enlarge it. Penis enlargement help is needed only in case of significant deviations. But you should not hope for great results - as confirmed by real reviews from men, the maximum value is 1-3 cm.
Increase length/thickness
Using various home remedies, you can independently increase the size of your penis not only in length, but also in thickness. As a rule, it is possible to increase the size of the genital organs by just a few millimeters, and with the help of phalloplasty - up to 1-3 cm.
Basic ways to enlarge the penis

There are different ways to enlarge the penis without surgery.The most effective ways to enhance male physiology include:
- topical creams and gels;
- traditional medicine;
- jelqing technique;
- Massage;
- use weights;
- vacuum pumps and other equipment.
The most effective way to increase penis length is through surgery. But surgery should only be resorted to in the most severe cases.
How to enlarge penis at home
All the most popular ways to enlarge a man's penis in a short time are divided into two main groups - at home and surgically.
At home, ointments and creams, vacuum pumps and dilators, as well as traditional medicine recipes are most often used.
Traditional medicine recipes
There are many traditional medicine formulas offered by various traditional healers and herbalists. For example, there is a famous recipe with baking soda with which you can noticeably "grow" your penis.
The essence of this method is very simple - a teaspoon of soda needs to be dissolved in a glass of water and poured onto the penis. This method is not only useless but also dangerous because it can cause skin irritation and burns.
Rules for their use
Folk remedies can improve the texture of the skin of the penis, increase elasticity and enhance potency, but only with long-term use. A slight increase in the penis is temporary - the organ quickly returns to its original size.
Penis enlargement creams and gels
Creams, ointments and gels accelerate blood flow to the penis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and provide a stable erection. Some of these measures help prolong sexual intercourse and prevent premature ejaculation.
Principle of operation
Gels, creams and ointments to increase penis size contain active substances that increase the rate of blood filling of the corpora cavernosa. Such drugs not only activate blood circulation in the penile area, but also enhance sexual desire.
There are many topical medications that help improve penis size.
Penis enlargement pills
On the Internet you can find a large number of advertisements that promise to instantly enlarge your penis by a few centimeters. You should not trust such pills, because no drug can change the genetic characteristics inherent in nature.
The only advantage of these pills is that they saturate the body with useful substances and strengthen the reproductive system.
Use hormone therapy
Hormonal drugs are not only useless for small penises, but also dangerous. Such drugs have many contraindications and side effects, they cause serious hormonal imbalance in the body. That's why they are only prescribed by doctors.
How to enlarge the penis with exercises
Among the effective methods of penis enlargement at home there are special exercises. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions, as holding the penis incorrectly can cause serious harm.
Before performing the exercises, you should consult a urologist, who will advise on the most effective techniques.
Through massage

Massage is also used for self-enlargement of the penis.Before you start massaging your penis, you should warm it up. This can be done in two ways: take a warm bath or wrap a warm towel around your thighs. This temperature effect will increase blood flow to the pelvic organs and penis, which will ensure enhanced functioning of the reproductive system.
Massage can be performed using many different techniques. According to one person, massage exercises should be performed in an erect state, the rest only in a resting state. Which technique to choose is up to each person to decide. You can try several techniques and determine which one is more suitable and which massage results are most noticeable.
Jelqing technique

Jelqing– this is the name of the technique that helps to "lengthen" the penis and has become extremely popular among men who are not satisfied with their size. The name of the system is translated as "milking" - during massage, gentle and smooth movements are made, reminiscent of milking a goat or cow.
Such penis enlargement exercises give impressive results, but only if the massage is done properly. For this method to be effective, you should carefully study the massage instruction video and purchase a special cosmetic: gel or ointment that helps to slide more easily.
There are many techniques for penis massage, but they all have the same basis. Therefore, you can only start massage when the erection is no more than 70%. It is strictly forbidden to perform massage when the penis is fully erect, because during manual manipulation a large amount of blood will flow into the penis. And if it is already filled with blood, the additional blood that will overflow will lead to pain and discomfort.
Apply load
There are techniques that are practiced by hanging various weights on it. But it is worth remembering that this method is dangerous and can lead to injury to the genitals and scrotum.Therefore, when hanging things, you must be extremely careful.
Loads can only stretch the skin and cavernous body. But this method cannot extend it. Just like before a massage, you should warm up with a wrap or a warm bath before this procedure.
Vacuum pumps
A vacuum pump is a pump-like device.This device helps to increase not only the length of the penis, but also its thickness. This device stretches the tissues of the penis, accelerating their fusion and renewal.
The vacuum pump works in two directions: it helps to enlarge the penis, as well as improve potency and increase sexual desire. The pump also helps in cases of incomplete erection, that is, the elasticity and density of the penis is not enough for high-quality sex.
This part is inserted into a cylinder equipped with a vacuum pump, air is pumped out from there and pressure is created in the cylinder. This pressure helps increase blood flow, which in turn causes the cavernous bodies to expand and increase. Vacuum pumps also have a disadvantage: although the organ develops quickly, the results do not last long. Therefore, the device should only be used before intimacy.
Surgical methods to enlarge the penis
There are several surgical methods for penis enlargement. Each of them has its own characteristics.
- Cut the ligament- a type of surgical intervention in which the suspensory ligament of the genitals is cut and the internal part is brought out. Thus, immediately after surgery, the patient will grow about 1 cm longer. After surgery, the man will wear the extender for about 3-6 more months. In general, the increase reaches 1-4 cm in length. This index depends on the anatomical ability of each patient.
- Trunk thickening surgery- a type of surgical intervention in which part of the patient's muscle is removed and wrapped around that part of the body, thereby creating tissue of additional length.
Penis enlargement surgery is recommended in special cases. This procedure is the most effective - it allows you not only to lengthen the penis, but also improve its thickness.
But this surgery has many contraindications and side effects - many men experience reduced potency and loss of sensitivity during sex. So it is only done for health reasons.
Another way to increase the length and thickness of the penis is with implants. This technique involves grafting your own fat under the skin or implanting an implant, but in the latter case it will look like and be considered an artificial penis.
Hyaluronic acid injections not only help prolong youth but also enlarge the male reproductive organs. The maximum result is 0. 5-1 cm, lasting up to 10-12 months.
The effectiveness of all the above methods
All conservative methods are only considered effective in temporarily increasing penis size. But you need to understand that there is no method that will help you get magical results. The only exceptions are surgery and hyaluronic acid injections.
What are the fastest ways?
The fastest way to lengthen the penis is to use a vacuum pump. It allows you to enlarge the organ almost instantly, but the effect lasts no more than 60 minutes.

Which ones give the best results?
The best results are obtained with hyaluronic acid injections, accompanied by a minimal number of side effects. Injections enlarge the organ to 1 cm, and the results last up to 12 months.
Safety rules when trying to enlarge the penis
When using different methods of penis enlargement at home, you must be extremely careful.
In no case should you rub the penis too hard or hang heavy objects on it. This can cause serious harm and damage blood vessels.
There are many ways to increase your penis size at home. When using such recipes, be sure to consult a doctor so as not to harm the body.